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Dynex Selection Guide   An overview of Dynex products. (19 Pages, 374k) dynexselection.pdf
About Dynex/Rivett   An introduction to Dynex and its capabilities. (8 Pages, 416k) dynexcapability.pdf
Checkball Pumps - General
Checkball Piston Pumps Complete specifications for all models (44 Pages, 3.8mb) dynexpesbro.pdf
Benefits of Using Checkball Pumps   Advantages provided by checkball design piston pumps. (1 Page, 108k) dynexpumpbenefits.pdf
Pump Operating Recommendations Pump features, selection and operating recommendations (4 Pages, 96k) dynexpumpoperating.pdf
Checkball Pumps - Fixed Displacement
Fixed Displacement Pumps Complete specifications for fixed models (29 Pages, 2.1mb) dynexpespfspecs.pdf
PF1000-10 Series Checkball Piston Pumps PF500 Series Checkball Piston Pumps. (6 Pages, 316k) dynexpf500specs.pdf
PF1000 Series Checkball Piston Pumps. (6 Pages, 412k) dynexpespf1000specs.pdf
PF3000-10 Checkball Piston Pumps PF2000 Series Checkball Piston Pumps. (7 Pages, 408k) dynexpespf2000specs.pdf
PF4000-30 Checkball Piston Pumps PF3000 Series Checkball Piston Pumps. (6 Pages, 352k) dynexpespf3000specs.pdf
PF4000 Series Checkball Piston Pumps. (6 Pages, 332k) dynexpespf4000specs.pdf
PF4200 Series Checkball Piston Pumps. (6 Pages, 396k) dynexpespf4200specs.pdf
PF4300 Series Checkball Piston Pumps. (4 Pages, 116k) dynexpf4300specs.pdf
PF6000 Series Checkball Piston Pumps. (6 Pages, 456k) dynexpespf6000specs.pdf
Checkball Pumps - Variable Delivery
Variable Delivery Pumps Complete specifications for variable models. (16 Pages, 1.1mb) dynexpespvspecs.pdf
PV4000 Series Mechanical Variable Pumps. (5 Pages, 300k) dynexpespv4000specs.pdf
PV6000 Series Hydraulic Variable Pumps and Volume Controls. (7 Pages, 400k) dynexpespv6000specs.pdf
Pressure Compensated Pumps Complete specifications for all models. (9 Pages, 768k) dynexpespvcompspecs.pdf
Split-Flow Pumps
Split-Flow Pumps Complete specifications for all models. (5 Pages, 160k) dynexpessplitspecs.pdf
Valveplate Pumps and Motors
PV2000 Series Valveplate Piston Pumps. (8 Pages, 256k) dynexpespv2000specs.pdf
MF2000 Series, MV2000 Series and MF5000 Series Valveplate Piston Motors. (6 Pages, 114k) dynexpesmfmvspecs.pdf
Low-Speed, High-Torque Motors
HSM Series Low-Speed, High-Torque Vane Motors. (8 Pages, 192k) dynexhsmspecs.pdf
Pump and Motor Mounting Brackets
Pump and Motor Mounting Brackets (2 Pages, 96k) dynexpesbracketspecs.pdf
Directional Control Valves
D03 Pattern Subplate Mounted, Directional Control Valves. (8 Pages, 160k) dynexvesd03specs.pdf
D05 Pattern Subplate Mounted, Directional Control Valves. (8 Pages, 150k) dynexvesd05specs.pdf
D05H Pattern Subplate Mounted, Directional Control Valves. (5 Pages, 120k) dynexvesd05hspecs.pdf
D08 Pattern Subplate Mounted, Directional Control Valves. (6 Pages, 145k) dynexvesd08specs.pdf
D08H Pattern Subplate Mounted, Directional Control Valves. 5 Pages, 136k) dynexvesd08hspecs.pdf
HP03 Pattern High Pressure, Subplate Mounted, Directional Control Valves. (8 Pages, 192k) dynexhp03specs.pdf
HP05 Pattern High Pressure, Subplate Mounted, Directional Control Valves. (4 Pages, 160k) dynexhp05specs.pdf
VST Series High Pressure, Subplate Mounted, Seated Control Valves. (8 Pages, 160k) dynexvstspecs.pdf
Sandwich Valves
S Series - Standard Pressure, Sandwich Accessory Valves. (5 pages, 101k) dynexvssandwichspecs.pdf
VSW Series - HP03 Pattern, High Pressure, Sandwich Accessory Valves. (2 pages, 96k) dynexvswhp03specs.pdf
VSW Series - HP05 Pattern, High Pressure, Sandwich Accessory Valves. (4 pages, 96k) dynexvswhp05specs.pdf
Pressure Control Valves
8800 Series Poppet Style Pressure Control Valves. (4 Pages, 96k) dynex8800poppetspecs.pdf
8800 Series Balanced Spool Pressure Control Valves. (6 Pages, 192k) dynex8800spoolspecs.pdf
8820 Series Panel Mounted Pressure Control Valves. (2 Pages, 58k) dynex8820specs.pdf
VH Series High Pressure Relief and Decompression Valves. (4 pages, 129k) dynexvhspecs.pdf
Subplate and Mounting Bolt Kits
Subplate and Mounting Bolt Kits For use with directional and pressure control valves. (6 Pages, 179k) dynexvessubplatespecs.pdf
H8819 Series Electro-Hydraulic Proportional Relief Valves. (4 pages, 128k) dynexh8819specs.pdf
RPA Series Remote Proportional Actuators. (4 pages, 96k) dynexrpaspecs.pdf

Dynex/Rivett Inc.
Pewaukee, WI  USA
Ashland, MA USA
Eaton Socon, Cambs. UK


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